Gefit and the school

Gefit participates in multiple activities organized by and with the school world, aimed at sharing knowledge and increasing mutual skills, such as the “Industriamoci” and…

Olimpiadi dell’automazione 2021

Automation Olympics 2021

The twelfth edition of the National “Olimpia di Automazione” Award once again saw teachers and students from schools and technical institutes (ITIS, IPSIA, high schools, ITS) competing in the national territory…

Gefit progetto La bella scuola

The beautiful school

Gefit supports the “La bella scuola” project which aims to rediscover the beauty of teaching and learning, also through the redevelopment of school environments. Improving schools means improving people’s lives…

Gefit nuova apertura

We present to you our 7th international plant: Gefit Mexico Engineering

Gefit S.p.A. is proud to announce the entry into operation of the newly established – and seventh production unit of the Group – GEFIT Mexico Engineering, located in Monterrey…

Gefit gamma prodotti settore farmaceutico e medicale

Gefit continues to expand its range of products for the pharmaceutical and medical sectors

Since its foundation in 1967, GEFIT has continued to invest to expand its technical skills and create increasingly innovative projects…


Gefit assembly machines with magnetic levitation technology: a world of new possibilities

GEFIT donates a C.B. Ferrari machining center to the ITIS “Volta” in Alessandria

GEFIT alongside school training

Productivity of the GEFDRIVE PLUS machine + Low energy consumption + Small footprint

Productivity, occupied footprint area and energy consumption have a big leveraging effect on the business growth.

Gefit office Suzhou

Suzhou office new opening

GEFIT SpA, for over 50 years the world’s leading company in industrial automation, thermoplastic mould making and high-speed assembly machines manufacturing, is now pleased to announce the setting up of a new subsidiary office in Suzhou…

Innovation never stops!

In the last months, GEFIT has undertaken a restyling activity of its platforms, already successfully present in the market….