SCHOOL – Education – Training – Coaching

In addition to the coaching activities that are recurrently held at the two Italian premises and that involve high school and technical college students, the company participates in a variety of activities organised by and with the school world, aimed at sharing knowledge and enhancing mutual skills.





Galleria immagini


Corso Automazione ITIS Volta Alessandria


GEFIT takes part to and supports solidarity initiatives of various forms, joining annually in projects on the territory and at the same time maintaining a multi-year partnership with the Association “L’Abbraccio” for Africa.

L'Abbraccio Onlus

L’Abbraccio Onlus

The NPO L’Abbraccio, in the vision of being – with other men and women – a peacemaker, has committed itself to respond to the basic needs of children in the African country of Benin. This is also an act of justice due even only as men and women and children belonging to this unique world. Present since 2005 in Benin, in Sokponta, the Association has built a school, a boarding school, a paediatric hospital and a farm to respond, in collaboration with our Beninese friends, to the essential needs of education, nutrition and health for children, as well as training and work for adults.

In Italy, the non-profit organisation L’Abbraccio Onlus, aware that authentic relationships are the fundamental tool for true and effective human growth, collaborates with institutions and other associations in the area on actions in favour of people in difficulty, fragile and in need.


Altromercato is the most important reality of Fair Trade in Italy. A social enterprise made up of 105 members and 225 shops, which manages relationships with 155 producer organisations in more than 45 countries, in the South and in the North of the world. Thousands of craftspeople and farmers, whose work is respected and fairly paid, being based on a transparent and traceable supply chain, which protects both the producers and the environment, and guarantees quality of the products.

CESTE – Consulenza Educativa Sul Territorio

CESTE is a non-profit organisation that fosters projects focused on solidarity and social, cultural, educational and training promotion in the Monferrato area between the provinces of ASTI and ALESSANDRIA, with the aim of recognising and supporting the ideas, eagerness and potential of young people, enterprises, associations and all public and private entities having at heart the cultural, economic and social development of the territory.

C-ORTO CIRCUITO Promoting Social Farming Products

C-ORTO CIRCUITO is the social farming project of the COALA Consortium, now managed by the Maramao cooperative.

CONSORZIO SOCIALE ALESSANDRIA ASTI, a social cooperative, has been coordinating associations and cooperatives in the Asti and Alessandria areas since 1997. With the common mission of “Building social enterprise”, we share philosophies, objectives, and actions in our territories.


As part of its business, has GEFIT partnered with selected entities for a fruitful exchange of skills and acquisition of legislative, market and technological notions


Founded in 1960, AMAPLAST (Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers’ Association) is a non-profit organization representing today some 170 major Italian companies manufacturing machinery, auxiliary equipment and moulds for plastics and rubber processing.

AMAPLAST’s main purpose is to promote worldwide knowledge and the diffusion of the Italian plastics and rubber processing industry, which occupies a leading position in the world ranking in terms of production and export.

UCISAP – Unione Costruttori Italiani Stampi e Attrezzature di Precisione

Unione Costruttori Italiani Stampi & Attrezzature di Precisione (Union of Italian Mould and Precision Equipment Manufacturers) was founded in 1971 with the aim of representing mould and die makers, main players in a sector that is the “keystone” of every modern industrial production system. UCISAP is made up of companies whose activities include the manufacture of precision moulds, industrial equipment, and the performance of precision machining.

PRO-PLAST – Consorzio per la Promozione della Cultura Plastica

The Proplast consortium, in operation since 1998, offers a highly qualified and specialised service to its member companies.

Aim of the consortium is to encourage the culture of plastics, to manage consultancy and technology transfer activities for companies and institutions in order to use the potential offered by new technologies, to collect and process data and information, and to promote cultural, technological and scientific exchanges at an international level.

Proplast associates include various equipment and raw material manufacturers, processors, research centres, universities, trade and sector associations and foundations, making a total of 185 industrial and academic entities.

© Copyright - Gefit - 2021 - Credit: Studio grafico Panpepato - Asti - Milano - Venezia